Dental Check-Ups

In Dental Hygiene, Dental Services by [email protected]

A dental checkup is a preventative dental appointment that typically involves two main parts:

  1. Teeth cleaning:This is usually performed by a dental hygienist and involves removing plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth surfaces, particularly around the gum line. This is done using specialized tools and instruments. Floss is used to remove debris from between your teeth. Polishing removes surface stains and leaves your teeth feeling smooth.
  2. Dental examination:Your dentist will then perform a thorough examination of your teeth, gums, mouth, tongue, and throat. They will assess for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer, and other potential problems. This may involve checking your bite, jaw joint, and any existing dental restorations. X-rays may be taken at certain intervals to provide further insights into your oral health and detect any hidden issues.

Additional components of a checkup may include:

  • Discussing your oral hygiene habits and providing personalized recommendations for improvement.
  • Reviewing your medical history and medications for potential interactions with dental treatment.
  • Answering any questions you have about your oral health and addressing any concerns.

Frequency of checkups:

The recommended frequency of dental checkups can vary depending on individual factors like your oral health status, age, and risk factors. However, generally, adults are advised to visit the dentist for a checkup every six months. Depending on your specific needs, our doctors may recommend more frequent visits.

Remember, attending regular dental checkups is crucial for maintaining good oral health, preventing problems, and catching any issues early when they are easier and less expensive to treat. It also allows for proactive care and personalized advice to keep your smile healthy and bright.

Dental check-ups, also called periodic examinations, are an important preventative routine. Consistent examinations provide for early detection of cavities, infection, gum disease, and jaw problems. These exams are commonly done at the time of your regular dental cleanings, which is commonly done twice per year.