Dental Sealants - Ford Dental Group - Huntington Beach, CA Dentist

Dental Sealants

In Dental Hygiene, Dental Services by [email protected]

Over 90% of adults in the United States have cavities, with about 25% of them remaining untreated. If you enjoy indulging in sweets but are prone to cavities, consider dental sealants, one of the most effective preventive dental treatments available.

A dental sealant is a thin resin composite coating applied to the chewing surface of the back adult teeth. This layer adheres tightly to the enamel, forming a physical barrier that shields your teeth from bacteria.


Why Choose Dental Sealants?

Our molars and premolars feature tiny grooves and fissures where food and plaque easily accumulate. These crevices are difficult to clean with a toothbrush due to their depth and narrowness. Bacteria thrive in these areas, producing acid that can gradually erode enamel, leading to tooth decay. Additionally, the grinding force exerted by molars and premolars during chewing makes their surfaces more susceptible to wear and tear.

At East Peak Dental Group, we recommend dental sealants to provide your back teeth with a smooth chewing surface and protect them from bacterial damage.

Who Benefits from Dental Sealants?

Children and adolescents, particularly those aged 6 to 14, who may have less-than-ideal dietary habits and oral hygiene practices, are prime candidates for dental sealants. However, adults prone to tooth decay can also benefit from this preventive measure. Additionally, we may consider applying sealants to baby teeth if deep fissures are present. Preserving the health of baby teeth is crucial for ensuring the well-being of adult teeth.

What to Expect During a Sealant Procedure

The application of dental sealant is a straightforward procedure that does not require numbing. Dr. Gordon or Dr. Appelblatt will clean the tooth surface to remove any food debris and plaque from the fissures before etching the tooth. Next, bonding agent is used to allow for a chemical bond between your tooth structure and the composite resin material followed by curing with a blue wavelength light that cures the resin material. After checking your bite and removing any excess sealant, you can resume eating and drinking immediately afterwards.

How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?

The protection provided by dental sealants can endure for years. However, as the sealant is a resin composite coating, it may develop chips and cracks over time. In such cases, we can easily reapply the sealant to maintain its effectiveness.

Are Dental Sealants Safe?

Concerns about the safety of dental sealants, primarily due to their resin composition, are unwarranted. The American Dental Association confirms that the minimal BPA content in sealants poses no significant health risks. While sealants effectively protect the chewing surfaces of teeth, it's essential to maintain good oral hygiene practices to protect from cavities on other tooth surfaces.

To learn more about dental sealants and their benefits, schedule an appointment with Dr. Gordon or Dr. Appelblatt by calling (775) 580-7410. During your appointment, we'll assess your dental health and determine if dental sealants are suitable for you.